Ladies who lunch (and hate on yogurt commercials)

13 Mar

I am about to make a bold statement:

Despite the hype, Georgetown Cupcake is not that good.

Sorry, I know it’s just my opinion, but the cake is dry and the icing on most of the cakes is more like fudge than icing (exception: Peanut Butter cupcake). If you want a dense fudge topped cake, this is your place, but otherwise visit Baked & Wired (fave) or Hello Cupcake (second fave). Confession – I have not tried Red Velvet so I am not including them in this rambling.

The rest of my sister’s visit was such a blast! Obviously we got cupcakes (hence the previous rant) but we also wandered around Georgetown, and had a “ladies who lunch” style meal at Cafe Bonaparte.

We also ate at Rice and made another delicious pasta dish. But the best afternoon, was meeting for a manicure/pedicure after her last informational interview, and then watching High School Musical on the couch while we waited for MJD to get home from work. It was such a lazy, comfortable afternoon and I really, really want her to get a job here! We were slightly embarrassed to watch HSM and the first few minutes we struggled to get past the awkwardness, but then as we feared, it was awesome. And we’re so watching the sequel next time she’s here! HA!

Oh and I was thrilled to see her disgusted reaction to this commercial, because it makes my some stomach turn every time I see it. I thought it was just me. Watching this makes me believe I might never eat yogurt again.

Does it make anyone want to buy yogurt?!

One Response to “Ladies who lunch (and hate on yogurt commercials)”

  1. Lusty Reader March 13, 2009 at 12:03 pm #

    I have only tried Hello Cupcake since it is only a few blocks from us.

    Shameless plug-my landlady works there and will sometimes bring us left overs at the end of the day and they are fantastique! The only weird one I had was a blueberry muffin with cream-cheese icing. That is NOT a cupcake. I was disappointed when I bit into it.

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